The Articulating Diamond Wire Saw creates an ideal cutting environment. It does so by reducing setup, installation, and removal especially in the offshore oil industry. “These unique saws are designed for below-the-mudline (or low clearance cuts), allowing for deepwater cutting and maintenance,” Joel Wittenbraker, President and CEO of Mactech explains.

Compact and portable, our Cut-off saws work in areas where larger saws can’t reach, or where maneuverability and ease of positioning is required. The Cut-off Saw is light and small, making it easy for divers to set up. Get all the capabilities of our larger saws in an affordable and easy to use unit.


articulating diamond wire saw

Articulating Diamond Wire Cutter Video

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In a press release last summer, we announced our patent-pending status on the Articulating Diamond Wire Saw. This tool is specifically designed for subsea cutting with maximum cutting range flexibility, a small footprint and reliable operation.

Our services and tools are optimized for operations in a subsea and potentially hazardous environment. We have performed over 500 diamond wire cuts and have a fleet of over 36 subsea cutting machines.