Stresstech ceramic fiber insulation blankets are made from 1” thick, 6# density ceramic fiber insulation.

It is rated at an operating temperature of 2400°F. We enclose them in stainless steel woven wire mesh, which allows for repetitive use. This keeps the blanket intact during rough handling and makes it the toughest blanket available on the market. For situations when reusable blankets are not practical, blanket insulation is available without the stainless mesh in 1” thick x 2” wide x 25’ long rolls.

Stress-Safe insulation blankets are “ceramic free”. They are made of 98% pure silica fibers. The insulating value is equal to or greater than ceramic fiber of the same thickness. This insulation is manufactured from amporhous silica fibers and causes little to no irritation and is non-resperable during use. It is stocked in 1” thick x 3’ wide x 33’ long rolls.

Ceramic Fiber and Stress-Safe reusable Mesh Blankets are stocked in 1’ and 2’ widths up to 12’ lengths. Special sizes are available upon request.

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