Stresstech Temperature Recorders

Stresstech on-site heat treating solutions

Stresstech Temperature Recorders keep work simple and reliable. Track temps from 0-2000°F or whatever range you need — quick, clear, and spot-on every time. Choose from five different portable models to monitor temps on the fly, with real-time data you can trust. No frills, just performance.

Fewer mistakes. Faster results.

Stresstech Temperature Recorders are trusted for straightforward use and dependable results. Their LED display provides easy reading, with adjustable chart speeds and individually color-coded thermocouples. With alarm settings and quick connection for thermocouples, these recorders take the guesswork out of temperature monitoring, so you can focus on getting the job done.

Key Features

  • Five different models include 6-24 points with 100-180mm options
  • Accurate to 15% of the reading
  • Customizable calibration for any temperature range, from 0-2000°F and beyond
  • LED display with internal lighting for clear, easy reading at any time
  • track critical temperature changes with programmable alarm settings
  • Lightweight and portable design with a durable aluminum housing and carrying handle
  • Quick thermocouple connections with type “K” compatibility


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