Accurate and Cost Effective Laser Measurement and Inspection Services

Laser Measurement & Inspection Mactech On-Site Machining Solutions now offers a cost effective and time-saving solution to your measurement, positioning and inspection challenges. Our measurement and inspection services team can develop a personalized plan providing you with traceable measurement results; from go/ no-go indications, to comprehensive reports, to CAD data of the measurements.

The Laser Tracker Coordinate Measuring System provides fast, extremely accurate and reliable data for machining, machine set-up, welding, alignment and inspection. The Laser Tracker is far more accurate and time-saving than conventional methods like tape measures, tight wires, plumb-bobs and theodolites. Combined with Mactech’s on-site machining services, this measurement and inspection service gives you the most comprehensive solution to even the toughest challenges.


  • Bore, Taper Measurement and Alignment
  • Portable Machining Equipment Alignment
  • Machine Assembly, Calibration, Leveling and Installation
  • Multiple Set-up Machining Alignment
  • CAD to Part Inspection
  • Quality Assurance

Our metrology department is standing by to design the perfect solution for any application.

Call today for a consultation.