This is a great video animation showing a high-level process of the steps that go into offshore platform decommissioning. While every subsea cutting job is different and requires a different planning strategy, this video does an excellent job of showing the many complicated pieces that must come together to do the job safely, efficiently and effectively. subsea decommissioning Mactech Offshore offers a variety of subsea cutting tools for use when an offshore platform is damaged or at the end of its useful life. Platform decommissioning requires coordination of the best personnel and equipment in the world and Mactech Offshore always has the solution. We can send our tools and personnel anywhere in the world within hours. Our tools and Conex Mobile Machine Shops are ready to be delivered to your job site, wherever it may be. Mactech Offshore’s years of field service and custom tool design brings innovative and effective solutions to the decommissioning of any offshore installations. Mactech Offshore offers that latest and most advanced technology in subsea decommissioning and other subsea services. Mactech combines an unparalleled level of expertise with an unending commitment to excellent customer service. The result is an efficient, cost effective solution that perfectly suits the specific needs of each customer. Get your popcorn out and enjoy. Mactech Offshore has performed thousands of subsea decommissioning operations with 100% on-time performance and no incidents. We can send our tools and personnel anywhere in the world within hours. Bottom line, we have the tools and expertise to save you time and complete your operation with more efficiency and effectiveness. Visit for more information on our subsea machining equipment, abilities and services.